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Just a little update on what's going on...

Category: Bulletin

Just a little update to keep you guys informed.

While I do work on this website on my spare time, I currently am the one working on one of the new languages that are coming up. And deadlines need to be met (duh).

Considering this little time restriction issue, I will begin working full time on the localization of the game. It'll last until it is officially released. And as such, the website updating will be put on hold for a little while. Since there is no official release date for the new version, I cannot really tell how long this is gonna take. But don't expect it to take too long.

On a slight update for the upcoming website content.

  • User Profile levels based on achievements done
  • Badges earned based on specific achievement groups done
  • Remaster of the User Profile page, so that it looks more 'inviting'
  • The remaster will include a way to see every past post/entry for a specific user
  • Started working on the Room connection code a bit. I already entered the data for the Starting Forest when everything's gonna be ready to go in test.
  • Clear instructions on how to add data to the website as a normal user. For those who want to contribute to the website

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