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About this site


Site mascot

Site mascot Miru designed by Rui/Eropii.

Title logo

Title logo designed by Nikko62.

Lost Saya

Lost Saya (found on this page) designed by Empyrean.

Web Stuff


Most buttons on this site were made using button generator from Da Button Factory.


Custom made icons by Nikko62.

Other icons taken from copyright-free websites offering free icons and edited by AlexSSZ.

External Plugins


Game related materials were taken directly from the game. Information gathered from the game by the website owner and other Steam users who agreed to share their information.

Rabi Ribi is property of Crespirit and published by Sekai Project.
This site is not affiliated with Steam, Crespirit, Sekai Project or any of their partners. All copyrights reserved to their respective owners.

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