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Ver 1.40 Rumi's Housekeeping Update Edition

Category: Game Update

  • 6 new achievements*
    *Made new achievements from events encountered by the fewest players based on metadata collected in the leaderboards.
  • Map system updated: Connections between different rooms are now displayed and discoverable.
  • Buff & Debuff details are now hidden if the player is at the edge of the screen.
  • Boss' Health Bars now show the exact HP value when in low health.
  • Added a warning if Steam Overlay is not enabled when selecting "COMIC" or "LEADERBOARD".
  • Defeating the Post-game Boss also resets the "Rita?", "Pandora?", "Rainbow Crystal" and "Holo-Defense System" Bosses.
  • Fixed game crashing if the player has 31 Regen Ups.
  • Fixed Chapter 6 Cocoa Path Bug.
  • Added Comic Volume 3A

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