Simplified the Steam key interface. Setting up your Steam profile link will automatically fetch the key for you. Downside: You cannot have your Steam key without entering your profile first.
Memory Cards images pre-loading. Upon starting a Memory Card game, you will receive all possible images first so you won't have to load them up when playing. This should avoid the "card turned back too fast and couldn't see who it was" issue.
Fixed invalid links for custom user pages (Youtube, Twitter, Steam, etc..). Hopefully, everything works fine now.
Fixed possible issues which slowed down the website when a lot of users were online. Hopefully...
List of "big" changes
Added: Rabi-Ribi Character Sorter. The character sorter, posted by Steam User Agastya on the discussion board, has been molded into Rabidb's format with Agastya's permission (the joke remains). Your top 3 characters will be featured on your profile page.
Late word of congrats to Reisen on advancing to Moderator.
Author's note: Getting some real work done on the website is really hard with this new job, but I'll make sure to push something once in a while.
The "What's new?" section updates live without refreshing.
Various fixes to the notification system (nothing fancy)
Complete revamp of the User Profile page ~ABOUT DAMN TIME! (You could say that after I kept postponing it for so long...)
Page layout completely renewed.
The main profile page now features an activity feed! (Limited to 30 lines for now)
You can filter out which kind of feed you want to see.
Included various link possibilities for outside social medias (your previous 'outside link' has been automatically converted to the correct type).
Uniform view no matter the user. You're no longer forced to look at your editing page when viewing your own profile! (Find the 'Edit Profile' button)
Edit profile page kept nearly the same way. Added more fields for added social medias and removed useless information.
I've spent some time trying to figure out how to create an intuitive GUI for Map Paths, but haven't come up with anything decent for now. I nearly went up and started redoing the map system completely (I stopped before I wasted too much time in it!). Don't worry, I'll try to figure something out.
Until then, make sure to report any problems you may have with anything that changed as soon as possible.
Don't want to leave them little bugs hanging too long.
In addition to the new data, the Achievement grid has been revamped (here). (Previous grid still available here)
It was becoming harder and harder to fit in new achievements with fixed layout, so I adopted a dynamic approach.
You'll be able to filter achievements by categories or by completion status (granted you selected a user from the droplist).
I'll be looking for feedback, good and bad, regarding this new grid compared to the previous one.
Leave them in the comments of this post.