Always looking for ways to make money, Cocoa kept experimenting with ways to make prices explode.
This time, something unexpected happened and the effect backfired.
Now Rabi-Ribi is 25% off during Steam Summer Picnic Sale!
Items also affected by the blast include the UPRPRC Edition, the Soundtrack and the Artbook.
They're all 25% off now too!
Grab it before Cocoa blows the prices back up!
In other news: Rumi will be making some extra food for the next few days.
v1.51 Mini Update :
Minor Bug Fixes
Reduced Video RAM Usage
Updated localization files. (EN/JP/ES/DE/FR)
You can now punish Cocoa in Rabi Rabi Town for an achievement.
Added cutscene/dialogue control displays. (Only appears early in the game)
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