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Content Update

Content Update

Category: Bulletin

Howdy players!

Website data has been updated with the latest information for new DLC that just came out
Link here:

  • Added 9 new achievements (Sorry 100% clearers, you're gonna have to work some more!)
  • Updated map data for iconSystem Interior (Long Jump Minigame)
  • Added SP bosses locations. icon[B] SP Irisu is the only one shown until the other fights get released.
I took the liberty to edit some of the images used to show bosses on the map, namely SP bosses and Illusion bosses (Forgotten Cave II trial) to differentiate them from their normal counterpart.

If someone is willing to share information on how to obtain all the new costumes and CGs, please do so on the Character page. We'll try to regroup everything in the same spot!

Enjoy the new content icon

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