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Dodge Master: Kotri

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Steam Global Achievement progress

3.20 %


Category: Dodge Master

Hidden on steam: No

Cleared: NO

Achievement Description

Took no damage and defeated a Lvl. 50+ Kotri

Other achievements in Category [ Dodge Master ]
Dodge Master: Chocolate
Took no damage and defeated a Lvl. 50+ Chocolate
Dodge Master: Seana
Took no damage and defeated a Lvl. 50+ Seana
Dodge Master: Ribbon
Took no damage and defeated a Lvl. 50+ Ribbon
Dodge Master: Rita
Took no damage and defeated a Lvl. 50+ Rita
Dodge Master: Nieve
Took no damage and defeated a Lvl. 50+ Nieve
Dodge Master: Nixie
Took no damage and defeated a Lvl. 50+ Nixie
Dodge Master: Aruraune
Took no damage and defeated a Lvl. 50+ Aruraune
Dodge Master: Pandora
Took no damage and defeated a Lvl. 50+ Pandora
Dodge Master: Saya
Took no damage and defeated a Lvl. 50+ Saya
Dodge Master: Cicini
Took no damage and defeated a Lvl. 50+ Cicini
Dodge Master: Syaro
Took no damage and defeated a Lvl. 50+ Syaro
Dodge Master: Cocoa
Took no damage and defeated a Lvl. 50+ Cocoa
Dodge Master: Ashuri
Took no damage and defeated a Lvl. 50+ Ashuri
Dodge Master: Lilith
Took no damage and defeated a Lvl. 50+ Lilith
Dodge Master: Vanilla
Took no damage and defeated a Lvl. 50+ Vanilla
Dodge Master: Illusion Alius
Took no damage and defeated a Lvl. 50+ Illusion Alius
Dodge Master: Keke Bunny
Took no damage and defeated Lvl. 50+ Keke Bunny
Dodge Master: Miru
Got hit one time or less and defeated a Lvl. 50+ Miru
Dodge Master: Noah
Got hit two hits or less and defeated a Lvl. 50+ Noah
Dodge Master: Noah+
Got hit two hits or less and defeated a Lvl. 50+ Noah
Dodge Master: Miriam
Got hit two hits or less and defeated a Lvl. 50+ Miriam
Dodge Master: Rumi
Got three hits or less and defeated a Lvl. 50+ Rumi
Dodge Master: Irisu
Got three hits or less and defeated a Lvl. 50+ Irisu

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