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2016-01-28: The idea for this site bloomed in my head... Let's get to work!
2016-02-01: Data structure had to be given some thought. The database now has informations on maps and regions.
Release 01
2016-02-03: Only Map list works for now... But at least the basic layout
is there.
Release 02
2016-02-07: Made one Map available for now. Drawing all of these rooms
took more time I had anticipated. I even had to rethink the database tables related to these rooms and the way the items
in them were placed.
Release 03
2016-02-12: Southern Foest map is now able to show all of the items
scattered around. You may now use buttons to filter some item types in/out of the map.
Release 04
2016-02-16: Added raw Item and Badge lists.
Release 05
2016-02-18: Fixed the overall layout and built the side menu for convenient access to different pages.
Release 06
2016-02-23: Added the Achievement section. Man... this sure took
a lot of time to build up something decent looking.
Release 07
2016-03-02: Updated the Achievement section to include the newest
game version's achievements. Also played around with different methods for showing comments and specific
informations on different sections. I found a pretty nice way of handling those two so far and will conduct more
tests. For now, all you can see are 'test' comments and entries on spcific pages (maps and achievements).
TODO: Being able to post comments.
TODO2: Adding some style to these sections. Plain text is just ugly...
Release 08
- Changed the layout of the Achievement section.
- You can now see individual achievement (Reverse Wall Jump as an example) information.
- I am now able to organize Media elements (videos and images) according to specific objects or entries (will be much easier on me to add content starting from now).
- Authenticated users are now able to post comments. Biggest accomplishment yet I believe. Comment away! (Apologies for the comment section layout, it is still pretty ugly)
- -mandatory level 1- Add more data
- -mandatory level 2- Gather some media information (pictures and videos)
- -mandatory level 3- Add a provider field to media elements for user submitted medias
- -semioptional- Fix Comment layout
- -optional- Assigning a profile picture to be used in the comment section
Release 09
- Fixed Back-End problems
- Fixed some data typos (thank you Testers)
- Comments are now ordered
Release 10
- Map now has the option of showing item icons instead of dots and letters (see Southern Forest map as example).
You can still see the dots/letters and use filters with them (not with icons though) - Database model went on a roadtrip to Remodeling City. Hopefully, data access should be more stable
- Created the 'On Maintenance' website. No more random 'crash' due to website updates
- PREVIOUS TODO (Gather some media information (pictures and videos)) DONE for some achievements
- PREVIOUS TODO (Add a provider field to media elements for user submitted medias) DONE
- PREVIOUS TODO (Fix Comment layout) Partially DONE (still better than nothing)
- PREVIOUS TODO (Add more data) Data added for some achievements. More to come eventually
- PREVIOUS TODO (Assigning a profile picture to be used in the comment section) Not done. Still working on it
- -mandatory level 1- Add more data (map data)
- -mandatory level 2- Create an interface to add Data easily (for now, editing things in the database directly is mehh)
- -mandatory level 3- Add more data (achievement data)
- -mandatory level 4- Create the 'Room info' which would show everything required to reach a certain point (item/event)
- -mandatory level 5- Link the Item list to the Room Info page.
- -semioptional- Get a better layout for the Item List (current one makes me shiver)
- -optional- (reported) Assigning a profile picture to be used in the comment section
Release 10.1
- Add more data (map data): DONE for Maps:
- Create an interface to add Data easily: DONE
- Back-end modification for error / trafic logging
- Neat effect when hovering an achievement in the list. Just to make sure you know where you are.
Release 11
- Lots of back-end changes for increase stability
- When visiting the website, you can now see what's been added recently
- To increase data reliability, some fields were added to the database tables.
- Changed the overall layout of the site which is now easier to work with
- Added the Rabi-Ribi game logo
- -mandatory level 0.5- Fix a major issue with the data (won't tell what it is; I don't want any exploit)
- -mandatory level 1- Add more data (achievement data, map data)
- -mandatory level 2- Create the 'Room info' which would show everything required to reach a certain point (item/event)
- -mandatory level 3- Link the Item list to the Room Info page.
- -semioptional- Get a better layout for the Item List
- -optional- Assigning a profile picture to be used in the comment section
Release 11.1
- Added the Rabi-Ribi ingame font to some website elements
- Map data 100% complete!
- Easier navigation in the map section (just a 'back to maps' button)
Current Release: v12
- Fixed a major issue with the user data
- Added a feature to track user achievements, highlighting incomplete ones
- Added a feature to choose a Display name instead of the default username
- Added validation when creating a new account; No more random errors
- Added a portrait selector (game characters) when creating an account
Note: All of v12 features are 'hidden' by Steam's ACCESS_DENIED answer to all of the account sign in demands. See annoucement message.
Current Release: v13
- Fixed the login issue. You can register and login without Steam
- Added the Effects index page (no individual info yet)
- Several fixes to the layout
- Included a Firefox hack so that the achievement grid is now correctly aligned
- You can now see any user's public information (example)
In a near future:
- Make it possible to save changes to profile's information
- Be able to fetch Steam Key and save it to the profile (private information)