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Entry #127 - Dodge Master Achievements

The easiest way I've found to complete these achievements is to do them on casual/novice difficulty loop 2. Casual/novice difficulty loop 1 bosses are locked to level 49, so you cannot obtain the achievements on it, but they are boosted to 98 in loop 2. The bosses are still simplified compared to other difficulty levels and it is fairly easy to kill them quickly with the massive damage bonus you get from getting to MAX rank. It is also easier to do in post-game than the main game because you can purchase all the extended buffs from iconMiru.

Also, be sure to use the iconAuto Trigger badge! When you take a hit, it will automatically trigger a bunny amulet at the cost of 2 charges, half of your SP, and all of your MP. While this normally may not be worth it, it works for these achievements since you would have otherwise lost. Remember that this is only a fallback though, you should always try to manually use the iconBunny Amulet, so that it takes either 0.75 charges (with iconAmulet Cut) or 1 charge normally (and without costing your MP). Other useful badges are iconHealth Wager, iconATK Trade, and iconCrisis Boost if you can drop yourself to low HP before starting the fight as HP is completely useless.

Note: If you are playing on normal or lower, you can also make use of iconHalo Boost Lv.3. While the damage taken and hp recovery is useless, the amulet recharge speed bonus should be very useful.


by Casual Last edited

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