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Entry #131 - Boss Rush Achievements

A tip for the boss rush achievements is that it takes all of the data from your save file, including any buffs you have. You should buy all the 330 duration buffs from iconMiru and you can also die repeatedly on casual/novice/normal to get iconHalo Buff and iconHalo Boost Lv.3 to almost 900 duration. (Note: I recommend dying to iconRumi for getting it to 900, dying from iconMiriam will only bring it to 600, and dying from normal enemies or spikes will only bring it to 300). Also make sure your file is holding as many consumables as you can hold as you can also use those.

iconHealing Staff (combined with iconRibbon Badge) will also be your best friend as it's the only way to consistently heal throughout the gauntlet.


by Aerate Last edited

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