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Entry #147 - Use Amulets Offensively!

UPRPRC Girl's true boss rush is a little different than the rest of them because she does not have any attacks or items. She does, however, start with 999 HP and 9 maximum iconBunny Amulet charges. In addition to providing the temporary invincibility that a normal amulet charge gives, it also gives you the iconBunny Lover buff and a temporary iconHP Regen and iconHealing buff that will heal 22 HP over 15 seconds. It will also deal around 300 damage to the bosses which is around 5-10% of their HP since they are all very low level. Finally, defeating a boss refills 2 of the charges, so you should always spend down to 7 charges by the end of each boss to heal HP.


by Aerate Last edited

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