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Entry #165 - Miriam Boss Fight

This effect is only seen during the fight against iconMiriam. Despite its name, it does not actually give her the effects of your badges, it simply provides her with the most relevant buff for many badges, and does nothing for many of them as well.

iconHealth Plus: iconMaxHP Up
iconHealth Surge: iconMaxHP Up
iconMana Plus: iconMaxMP Up
iconMana Surge: iconMaxMP Up
iconCrisis Boost: None
iconATK Grow: iconAttack Up | iconDefense Down
iconDEF Grow: iconAttack Down | iconDefense Up
iconATK Trade: iconAttack Up | iconDefense Down
iconDEF Trade: iconAttack Down | iconDefense Up
iconArm Strength: None
iconCarrot Boost: None
iconWeaken: None
iconSelf Defense: None
iconArmored: iconSuper Armour
iconLucky Seven: iconLucky Seven
iconHex Cancel: iconHex Cancel
iconPure Love: iconBunny Lover
iconToxic Strike: iconPoisoned on projectile hit
iconFrame Cancel: None
iconHealth Wager: iconMaxMP Up
iconMana Wager: iconMaxHP Up
iconStamina Plus: None
iconBlessed: None
iconHitbox Down: None
iconCashback: None
iconSurvival: None
iconTop Form: None
iconTough Skin: None
iconErina Badge: None
iconRibbon Badge: None
iconAuto Trigger: None

Note that having multiple badges of the same type does not seem to have any impact on iconMiriam's buffs (for example, equipping both iconHealth Plus and iconHealth Surge will only give iconMiriam a single iconMaxHP Up. Equipping opposite type badges will give her all the effects however (for example, equipping iconATK Trade and iconDEF Trade will give her iconAttack Up, iconAttack Down, iconDefense Up, and iconDefense Down, which should in theory all cancel each other out).

Certain badges do slightly different things than you'd expect, such as the iconATK Grow/iconDEF Grow giving the iconAttack Down/iconDefense Down debuffs as well. iconToxic Strike does not have a relevant buff, but it will still cause her attacks (but not collision damage) to put iconPoisoned on you. Since there is not a MaxHP Down or MaxMP Down debuff, the iconHealth Wager/iconMana Wager badges do not give her any negative effects like they do to iconErina. iconTop Form and iconTough Skin do not give iconMiriam protection against the debuffs listed.

Also note that the buffs iconMiriam get are not always obvious what they do. iconMaxHP Up will always provide +10% max HP for her. iconMaxMP Up increases her attack rate since enemies do not have MP. iconArmored badge provides iconSuper Armour, which stops her from getting stunned. iconLucky Seven for bosses will always cause 177% damage on the 7th hit. iconPure Love will give her the iconBunny Lover buff, which halves damage done to her, so it is highly recommended you do not equip this badge.


by AlexSSZ Last edited

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