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Entry #167 - Ribbon's Boost Effects

Whenever you use iconRibbon's boost or max boost attack, in addition to dealing damage to the enemy, she will also bestow buffs onto iconErina or debuffs onto enemies.

All of iconRibbon's boost attacks give iconSpeed Up to iconErina. In addition, each weapon provides its own unique effects:
Starting Blue Shot: iconDefense Up to iconErina if she is within the column of light
iconSunny Beam: iconAttack Up to iconErina if she is within the column of light
iconChaos Rod: iconCursed to all enemies, iconSpeed Down to enemies within the column of light
iconHealing Staff: iconHP Recover to iconErina if she is within the column of light
iconExplode Shot: iconAttack Up to iconErina if she is within the column of light, iconBurn to all enemies hit
iconCarrot Shooter: iconSP Recover to iconErina if she is within the column of light
iconEgg Shooter: iconBunny Lover to iconErina and all enemies, iconAmulet Cut to iconErina if she is within the column of light


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