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Entry #170 - Overwhelming Damage

Note: This strategy REQUIRES you be on loop 2 or above. Casual or novice difficulty is highly recommended.

iconRumi is known for being one of the longest boss fights in the game (perhaps tied with iconIrisu and possibly iconMiru on dodge master) due to the fact that she effectively has six lives. Due to the length of the fight, the achievement compensates you by allowing you to take a maximum of three hits.

First off, you should start by getting iconHalo Boost Lv.3 to 900 seconds; you can easily do this by teleporting to Hall of Memories, going left one screen, and repeatedly dying to iconSeana until the timer reaches 300 seconds. Afterwards, teleport to Forgotten Cave II and die to iconRumi once and it will go to 900 seconds. (Note: If you have something against using the Halo Boost buffs, you can still use this guide as usual, but your iconBunny Amulet charge rate will be cut in half). After that, talk to iconMiru and get the rest of your 330 duration buffs. You will also want to get iconRibbon to her maximum BP so you can start off with a max boost attack. I have attached an image of the badges I used for this fight - you can change these to whatever you please, but I have equipped the most offensive badges I could think of. iconCrisis Boost is not recommended for this fight because every time you defeat iconRumi to remove one of her stars, you will regain a large portion of your HP and there is no way to decrease it. This is the same reason that the blue starting shot is recommended over the iconCarrot Shooter. You will also want to have the maximum amount of iconRumi Donut you can carry because they will max out your SP, MP, BP, and give back one amulet charge. Use them if you fall under two charges (for iconAuto Trigger to work) and feel like you might be in danger. No other consumable will be useful for the fight. Finally, it is recommended (but not required) that you defeat the three SP bosses on your file to bring the maximum amount of iconMana Up, iconRegen Up, and iconAttack Up in the shop to 21 (with a total max of 46, 36, and 41 respectively) [loop 2 values]. iconHealth Up is of course, not important.

The main idea of this fight is that you want to defeat each one of iconRumi's lives before she even gets the chance to attack. This is the reason you must be on loop 2: in a normal game, every time iconRumi lands, she will receive the icon99 Reflect buff until she completes one attack - this forces you to use a weaker weapon for the duration and greatly prolongs the fight. On Loop 2 or above, due to the fact that a normal hit from Ribbon can already deal two thousand damage, iconRumi does not receive this buff and she gets nothing as compensation.

Immediately at the start of the fight, you will want to initiate with a max boost attack from iconRibbon and then proceed to stun-lock iconRumi for as long as possible, while building up your rank gauge.  The best way I've found to do this is to spam Combo V (with iconErina Badge) until you have around 10% SP left, then hammer drill upwards, hammer drill downwards, and hammer drill upwards once again. This gives you the greatest duration of attack while also keeping damage up since the damage from Combo V greatly decreases over time. You'll also want to use iconSuper Carrot whenever you have the chance.  Since your rank gauge starts at nothing for the first life, you will have no choice but to dodge one or two attacks iconRumi, depending on how fast you can kill her. You absolutely want to be at MAX rank at the end of her first life, or at least SSS.

Once iconRumi is up in the air, switch to iconSunny Beam and get as close to iconRumi as possible (without getting hit, of course) and unleash as many charged shots as possible (with iconRibbon Badge). While in the air, each shot from the charge counts as a separate hit, so you can deal over 3000 damage each shot, far exceeding the single shot of the blue starting weapon. I have not tested the other weapons out, but I doubt that they will exceed iconSunny Beam. You should aim to remove 30-40% of her HP during her flight, if possible.

As soon as she lands, you immediately need to start barraging her or she will start her first attack. Use iconRibbon's max boost attack with the blue shot and rush into iconRumi with a iconBunny Strike and proceed to your Combo V/drill attacks and iconSuper Carrot. If she still has HP left afterwards, you can iconBunny Amulet and immediately iconBunny Strike or iconSuper Carrot again. Try to unleash as much damage as possible to ensure she goes down quickly. If you are too slow, you should have to dodge at maximum of one attack from iconRumi, so you may want to practice against one attack on each phase. Note that the damage required is actually pretty forgiving; in my video, I took a hit during flight almost immediately before she descended, leaving iconRibbon  with only about 10% MP, which was still enough.

If you become proficient and immediately killing her during her first five lives, you will only need to deal with dodging her during her final life. Since she uses her ultimate during her final flight, it is much harder to kill her quickly enough and you will at least have to dodge her first attack of the rainbow wall, but her HP during her final life is not any higher than her earlier lives, so she should die after that one attack or possibly one more.


by Aerate Last edited

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