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Entry #172 - High Risk, High Reward

Note: My experiences from this fight are from novice loop 2. Your fight may differ greatly depending on difficulty and loop.

I have uploaded a zero hit run in its entirety. I would say it went about as optimally as possible and had the fastest klll I've ever done (just under 2 minutes).

I have uploaded an image of the badges I had equipped. These badges were chosen for maximum damage potential; you can change them around, but beware of iconMiriam's iconBadge Copy (you can check the iconBadge Copy page for more information). Note that you absolutely do not want to equip iconPure Love for this fight because it will give iconMiriam iconBunny Lover, which would half damage done to her, so be very careful about taking collision damage. iconMana Plus, iconMana Surge, and iconHealth Wager will give iconMiriam iconMaxMP Up which says it will increase her attack frequency, but I haven't found this effect to be noticeable and the extra MP on iconRibbon will help greatly. Note that for the achievement you are technically allowed to be hit a maximum of two times; however, for this strategy, a single collision or hit without iconAuto Trigger will kill you, so take note of that.

As for all dodge masters, you will want to start by purchasing all the 330 duration buffs from iconMiru. Unlike the other post-game dodge masters, iconHalo Boost Lv.3 should be completely unnecessary here, you can get it if you want, but you shouldn't need it (I only have it on in the video because it was the same save I was using to prep for iconRumi. I used a total of three manual amulet charges and had iconAuto Trigger go off once. You will also want to equip iconSurvival before the fight, drop down to one HP and then unequip it for iconCrisis Boost and the iconCarrot Shooter. The iconCarrot Shooter is highly recommended for this fight for multiple reasons which can be seen in the video or explained below. Finally, make sure iconRibbon is at max BP because you will be starting the fight off with a max boost. Once all that is complete, you are ready to start the fight.

The main idea for this fight is, you want to do everything in your power to deal as much damage as you possibly can, as fast as you possibly can. This is because iconMiriam has a huge array of deadly attacks, but it is very possible to kill her before she is able to unleash a single one.

iconMiriam will start the fight by attempting to move to the left side of the screen. What you should do is immediately jump slightly behind her and activate iconRibbon's max boost with the iconCarrot Shooter and then proceed to Combo V/hammer drill iconMiriam while facing right. The goal here is to push iconMiriam slightly rightward and into iconRibbon's boost attack. Once your combo is complete, use a quick iconSuper Carrot and then quickly run or iconAir Dash to the left to get into position for iconMiriam's first attack.

iconMiriam's first item is the iconQuick Barrette. For this attack, she will fire charged blue shots at you in a set pattern. This pattern is always the same, so once you memorized it, you should be able to dodge it easily. The general idea is to jump in place for the first shot, and then jump forward and land in the middle of the arena and walk back and repeat for every shot after that. On your fourth jump forward, instead of going back, proceed to attacking iconMiriam again as her attack should have ended by now. This should also coincide with iconRibbon's max boost attack finishing (assuming you didn't have iconAuto Trigger go off and drain your MP). If you really have trouble with this attack, you can also skip it entirely by floating in the air with the item method. After a combo or so, iconMiriam will start walking to the left, which leaves her at her greatest vulnerability. While she is walking, you should stand to her left and either charge up the iconCarrot Shooter or use hammer drills on her - this will stagger her slightly and interrupt her movement, but she will keep attempting to move without attacking until she has either made it to the other side or a certain amount of time has elapsed (this is mostly based on experience, you'll find out how long you can afford to interrupt her after a few tries). The iconCarrot Shooter is especially good here because after its main shot, it will drop three carrot bombs that iconMiriam will walk into. Once she has made it the other side, she will begin her second attack.

iconMiriam's second item is the iconCarrot Bomb. This attack is incredibly easy to dodge, so you can simply fire charged shots at her for the duration of the attack. Try to get your rank from B/A up to SSS/MAX during this time. Immediately after she is done this attack, she will switch to the iconExplode Shot without moving. This is your chance to dash next to her, use another max boost from iconRibbon and proceed to hammer away at her. If you are at the very left of the screen, none of the circles should touch you, so you are safe to attack. Switch between Combo V and hammer drills so that Combo V's damage doesn't fall off too much.  Use iconSuper Carrot whenever the "cooldown" wears off. After this attack, iconMiriam will once again try to move to the right, get as much free damage off here as you can.

iconMiriam's fourth item is the iconBook of Carrot. She will unleash two "amulet charges" at you. Counter these with your own iconBunny Amulet. You should anticipate these and manually use the iconBunny Amulet so that each use costs 0.75 (with iconAmulet Cut) charges instead of 2. Her next item is the iconPiko Hammer. This will cause a huge explosion and it will rain down bullets, as well as shoot three walls at you. This can be avoided with practice and good timing, or one to two iconBunny Amulet charges. This is where I ended the fight, but I will describe the next few attacks just in case.

iconMiriam's sixth item is the iconHammer Wave. This will cause a lot of hammer waves to spawn at the top of the map and home in on you. These are pretty easily dodged, so you should be able to just move around while continually shooting her with iconRibbon's iconCarrot Shooter. The next attack is much more dangerous, so hopefully you can end the fight here. Her next item is the iconCharge Ring which causes her to continually barrage you with charged shots from iconRibbon's various weapons. I don't have any advice for this specific attack on dodge master or for any items beyond this as I've always killed her faster than this.


by Aerate Last edited

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