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Entry #183 - Damage Boost

Did a bit of testing with this badge. This badge will obviously affect iconCarrot Bomb, but it also affects iconCarrot Shooter and iconDEF Grow, and does not affect iconSuper Carrot.
The damage boost is only for the base attack, so it is actually quite small.

A iconCarrot Bomb will hit six times and iconCarrot Boost will increase the damage of each hit by 3, for a total of +18 damage.
A iconCarrot Bomb spawned from a charged iconCarrot Shooter shot will hit three times and iconCarrot Boost increase the damage of each hit by 1, for a total of +3 damage.
A iconCarrot Bomb spawned from iconRibbon's boost attack from iconCarrot Shooter will hit two times and iconCarrot Boost will increase the damage of each hit by 7 or 8, for a total of +14 or +16 damage. 
A iconCarrot Bomb spawned from iconDEF Grow will hit eight times and iconCarrot Boost will increase the damage of each hit by 3, for a total of +24 damage.

These boosts do not stack with your Rank gauge, this badge will always increase the damage of your iconCarrot Bomb by this set amount.

If you're going to use this badge, it should be for the SP recovery boost, which is somewhat noticeable.


by Aerate Last edited

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