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Entry #184 - Rank Gauge

The rank gauge in loop 4 has a base of 2590% damage it can receive for a high combo with grade E, and then +370% for every grade, for a total of +5550% damage at MAX rank with max hits.

Beyond loop 4, each loop increases the base maximum amount by 490% and each grade rank by 70% for a total of 1050% per loop.

Loop | Base | Rank | Total
5 | 3080% | +440% | 6600%
6 | 3570% | +510% | 7650%
7 | 4060% | +580% | 8700%
8 | 4550% | +650% | 9750%
9 | 5040% | +720% | 10800%
10 | 5530% | + 790% | 11850%


by Aerate Last edited

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