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Entry #187 - All Bosses?

The term "all bosses" in this achievement is very misleading because it doesn't specify what that means. There are multiple mid-bosses with a rank gauge (UPRPRC fights and the face in Forgotten Cave II), bosses for characters that don't appear in the town list (iconIllusion Alius), and bosses you have to fight multiple times before they appear in your town list (iconKotri, iconSeana, iconLilith, etc) and it doesn't specify which bosses count. It would seem that each fight against the bosses that appear multiple times count towards this achievement, and you actually just need to reach a hidden number of MAX ranks to get the achievement, but your town list does not actually need to have every boss itself say MAX.

(Note in the screenshot I only have an SSS rank on iconIrisu. but I actually got this achievement before even challenging her).

Also as a tip, this achievement is very easy to get in loop 2 because you're almost guaranteed/required to get it just to defeat the bosses.


by Aerate Last edited

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