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Entry #197 - Decreases Damage Received

An unmentioned side effect of iconMortality is that it also greatly reduces the damage iconErina receives from projectile attacks while it is on her (because she would die almost instantly from attacks if it didn't). It also causes all projectile attacks to deal the same amount of damage to her.

For example (100% file on Hard, level 393 Cocoa SP):
Cocoa SP black cloud / orange shot: 212 damage
Cocoa SP black cloud / blue bubble: 356 damage
Cocoa SP white cloud / blue shot: 1132 damage
All shots while under iconMortality: 15 damage

Note that collision damage is unaffected by this damage reduction, making collisions extremely lethal without iconPure Love equipped.

This does not apply to iconIrisu because iconMortality is always paired up with iconInstant Death in her fight and you will always die regardless. 


by Aerate Last edited

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