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Entry #21 - Low Health

Clear the game without picking or buying a single iconHealth Up.

Weirdly enough, this achievement is way easier if you actually don't pick any item at all (see below). The more items you pick throughout the game, the stronger the enemies become.

At a certain point, some bosses will hit you for over 100 points of damage, and you won't be able to survive even 1 hit. On a 0% item run, you'll be able to take 'at least' 2-3 hits before dieing, which leaves you enough space for healing items or iconBunny Amulet dodging.

Also, do not freak out if you see your health goes above 50. Everytime you recruit a Town Member, you get +1% Health.


by AlexSSZ Last edited

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  • Modified by AlexSSZ
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