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Entry #33 - Seana in one of the Stele Events

This achievement is pretty straightforward once you know what to do. It requires you to have iconSeana recruited within the first 10 characters (for the Main game).

What can be tricky is that iconSeana has the highest number of requirements to be able to be recruited.
You need to:

This will unlock iconSeana's second battle outside Rabi Rabi Town (iconRabi Rabi Park #1016). Defeating her there will make her part of the Town members (and be your 7th one needed for the 3rd trip).

All you need to do afterward is to talk to iconRumi to initiate the Stone Stele Event. iconSeana should be there and say her line (achievement got!).

This achievement cannot be obtained in Speedrun mode (confirmed 2016-09-15 by 12p Ronald)


by AlexSSZ Last edited

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