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Entry #34 - DPS Impact

The fireballs only appear around iconErina (3 of them) when her SP reaches 0 and will last for about 2 seconds. It will hurt any ennemy standing in melee range of Erina every 0.1 second for low damage.

It is not well advised to stay close to an ennemy on purpose just for these fireballs to deal damage to it. They're not that great in terms of overall damage. You might as well move out of range when you're about to run out of SP.

When playing on higher levels, you are trying to avoid getting hit at all cost, and iconAir Dash is really useful for that. Unfortunately, you can't use iconAir Dash if you're completely out of SP.

On a sidenote, these also make Erina send some damage back to the ennemy when they get into physical contact.
Note: The touch damage from iconFire Orb won't trigger if you avoid the hit using iconPure Love!


by AlexSSZ Last edited

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