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Entry #46 - Tips for surviving Miru's Hell

icon[B] Miru has a fixed attack pattern (it's even in the achievement name  iconFixed Attack Pattern) so the big part is memorizing which attack comes after the other and how to dodge them. Since this is on Hell or above, I'd recommend having the iconBunny Amulet maxed out at 3 (4 if you cleared the game once and are re-doing the bosses or New Game+) and having a decent amount of iconHealth Up. Bringing all food items probably wouldn't hurt either  iconGold CarroticonRumi CakeiconRumi Donut. Additionally, all of the following badges are beneficial: iconHealth Plus iconHealth Surge iconSelf Defense iconArmored iconSurvival iconDEF Grow iconPure Love iconDEF Trade iconMana Wager iconBlessed iconHitbox Down iconDEF Grow. If you really wanted to go all out you could buy buffs from the iconRabi Rabi Town NPCs as well.

During the fight you should probably avoid attacking icon[B] Miru , as you want to avoid defeating her. The fight gets progressively harder especially since icon[B] Miru  gains her iconDouble Damage and iconQuad Damage buffs faster then she normally would, so be prepared.

Worth noting that iconFixed Attack Pattern achievement can also be earned against the icon[B] Illusion Miru in iconForgotten Cave II which is plenty easier.


by DeadlyCreature Last edited

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