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Entry #48 - Fire Orb Required

You need to go into the volcanic caverns and retrieve the fire orb. Then you go into the water area directly to the right of where you find the Quick Barrette, and break the floor above the 1-tall tunnel using the fire orb. Then navigate your way up out of the top of the water area. You can then go to the left into Evernight Peak. Work your way to where you find Saya after the fight, and jump into the right wall. A hole will appear. You can then reverse-walljump up into the room above you. Then you need to do another reverse walljump into a hidden hole in the right wall. Then you need to do yet another reverse walljump off of the left wall and kick off of the right to enter Saya's area. Fight her, and then find her below, where you just came from. This should trigger the achievment. NOTE: there may be a time limit, as I did not get it on my file where I had spent forever trying to find a way to Saya, but it did trigger on a new file when I rushed straight to Saya from the start.


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