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Entry #53 - Up to a certain limit

Difficulty can only be increased during Chapter 1 (right after Rumi tells Erina to go and look for helpers).

It has not been tested yet if you were still able to increase it after recruiting town members (while still being in Chapter 1).

You need to talk to the NPC in iconRabi Rabi Park #0216 and answer 'no' to her first question (lower the difficulty) to get access to the increase difficulty dialogue.

Difficulty can only be increased up to Hard

EDIT 2016-10-10 ~ zx52
Difficulty cannot be increased while playing loops (Loop 2 and higher) while talking to her in Chapter 1 

EDIT 2016-10-12 ~ Aerate
You can however increase the difficulty when starting a new loop (only available after clearing loop 2 post-game). The NPC will ask you if you want to increase the difficulty for the next loop.

Note: Difficulty will increase one level up to Bunny Extinction, and will increase to a minimum of Normal (from either Casual or Novice). 


by AlexSSZ Last edited

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