Release 17.3 brings more stability (well... I sure hope so...)
If you come accross bugs / typos, feel free to leave them in this post's comment section.
List of changes
Added more emote face (handcrafted and based on those from the Steam badgecraft:
Entries can now be deleted by their author (or any moderator). You have up to 24 hours to undo this.
Entry authors will now be able to control their work! Added icon buttons with functions bound to them: Delete, Edit (with and without BBCode conversion), Upload picture, Link YouTube video and, for moderators only, Approve.
Added similar options to Media elements: Edit (title) and Delete. Note that deleting a Media element is immediate.
Added Preview Mode to entries. When using A LOT of BBCodes and inbound links in an entry, editing it afterwards can take up a lot of time just to laod the editor. I decided to add an inbound link free version of the editor, but not being able to see the result was kind of sad. Preview mode will show the final result.
Added the Follow Page feature. When following a page, anytime someone fills in data about the page, you will receive a notification.
You can also follow a particular user, notifiying you whenever THEY post new data, regardless of your followed pages.
Note that you will receive notifications automatically for achievements you haven't done if you synchronized them.
Following the added features to the entry editor, a lot of code was changed to allow smoother BBCode loading.
Added a few more detailed fields to some database entity to reduce the calculation time on page loading.
A more stable version of the user tracker. It currently does a lot of silent crashes.
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