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Release 18.3

Release 18.3

Category: Release

Update #4
iconEastern Highlands done
iconPlurkwood done
iconSubterranean Area done
iconSystem Interior done

Update #3
iconIsland Core done
iconNorthern Tundra done

Update #2
iconWestern Coast done

Update #1
iconSouthern Woodland done
iconRabi Rabi Town done
iconWarp Destination done

This one went out silently (except if you got caught in the downtime during the update).

It only features two things

1- The user tracker has been improved and is more strict with the timeouts so that it doesn't flood anymore.

2- The maps can now features Room Connections. This was a long awaited update that I kept postponing because I wanted to make things BIG! So big, that it was taking forever to work on it. In the next few days, the maps will slowly begin to contains connections. You can see the picture on the right for what the final result will be. (Not all connections were included, but it gives the general idea.)

Always doing my best to provide as much information as I can. Hope you enjoy this little update.

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