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Category: Bulletin

Looks like we recently hit some pretty important milestone.

Rabidb now has over 200 registered users icon!

I was gonna wait until February 3rd to actually mention it, but I couldn't wait. (Those who can guess what is special about February 3rd, you get a cookie icon). As such, I guess we'll have to go into recruitment mode.

If anyone is interested: A moderator spot will be opened.

A moderator needs to logon the website (and stay logged [aka be in the 'Online Users' list]) once a day (being active).
A moderator needs to know the game well to be able to answer users' questions (in the form of comments mostly).
A moderator can approve new entries written by users (or delete them...).
A moderator can edit anyone's entries (to add details or add as many inbound links as possible iconCocoa).
A moderator can add/remove pictures/videos/gifs to anyone's entries.
A moderator has access to the Admin Lounge, a page created for website management.

Of course, granting so much power to someone I barely know is hard for me, so...
If you're interested in having such position, add me up on steam (see my profile for link) and we'll talk a bit.

Have a good one icon

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