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Update fix 19.9.5

Update fix 19.9.5

Category: Release

Just wanted to let you all know that, now that my work contract has expired (after 7 months), I can finally go back to rabidb full time!
Well... not entirely full time. Those following my work might know what I'm referring to.

This is a quick update on the current quick release (19.9.5)
  • Updated Entry module to better support deleted entries
  • Removed Entry deletion based on time. It was wasting so much of the site's resources...
  • Changed Follow module structure which in turn fixed the Profile follow button.
  • While updating Follow module, I managed to fix the activity feed linking to invalid pages.
A faithful rabidb user messaged me about a few issues on the website and some of them included the Memory Card game.
I didn't expect this minigame to be actually used so I left it out of my todo list. But it looks like some people are indeed using it, so I'll be pimpin this bad boy up!

You know what's coming? More updates are coming icon

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