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Update post #69

Update post #69

Category: Bulletin

Hello everyone,

As some may noticed, the amount of updates to rabidb has dropped considerably in the past few months. While it is safe to assume it was mainly because of my new job which is taking away 70 hours / week from me, there is also something else.

Rumors have been going around lately as that there's something in the work for Rabi-Ribi, and all I can say for now is that I'm kinda involved in it. A lot of my free time goes into that project, and will be so for the next couple of months.

No matter what happens, I will still continue to host the website for any future player, and update it whenever needed (if new game content is released, fixing some bug, etc). Everything's still in motion, but at a slower pace.

Here's the "official" post.

Giving a huge shout out to Patreons who help keep the website up at all time icon !

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