Hello everyone! It's been a while (on here at least).
The very first rabidb art contest is now underway! It's a contest to determine the next featured mascot for the website (which you can see on the left side, in the menu). Miru still remains one of my favorite, but I think it's time to move on and make some space for "fresh" material. Time to make some space for Yuzu, the star of the game I'm working on!
Drawing must feature Yuzu and another Rabi-Ribi character of your choice. You are free to choose pose for both character.
1080x1920 portrait format
no background (transparent)
only 1 entry per contestant
no lewds
Contest ends May 5th
Winner will be selected by a jury composed of some friends of mine.
The author of the winning drawing will 75$ USD worth of commission by an artist of their choice.
Also, your art being featured on every page of the website Ever wanted to commission an artist you liked, but didn't have the funds to do so, then there's your chance!
To make it fair to everyone who participate, 3 random contestants will be selected at random to receive participating gifts.
They will receive a key for Rabi-Ribi (base game + DLC).
If you already have the game, spread the bunny love by gifting it to a friend!
If you have any questions regarding the art contest, you can ask them in Direct Message on Twitter or Discord.
Make sure to join Rabidb's Discord if you haven't to follow the latest news on rabidb and the game I'm working on.
If you ever need help with the game, you can find it there if website wasn't enough. There's also a bunch of fellow Rabi-Ribi fans that you can chat with too!
Thank you everyone for your continued interest and support.
Thank you for your patronage: Alexander Altman, Mark Kelley, Blake1995, u2mk, Toshiro Nihonnoyume, Yuri Kunde Schlesner, The HarDe One, Vault, M76030, Kishoro, (((Anarcho-Capitalism)))
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