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Release 20.2.0

Release 20.2.0

Category: Release


Version 20.2.0 is up and running!
  • Few security updates
  • Update Google's ReCaptcha (version 1 is not supported anymore)
  • Fixed User links having duplicate "http" patterns
  • Fixed not being able to attach pictures to posts
  • [User submitted] Added DLC characters to Sorter minigame
  • [User submitted] Added function to manually select your top 3 characters on your page
There is an issue right now with the achievement syncing.
Due to a recent Steam update (April 10th), a new privacy setting has been added to your profile which hides Game Details, such as games you own, statistics, achievements, etc... If you want to use Rabidb's achievement sync, you will need to set your Game Details privacy setting to "public".

Thank you everyone for your continued support!

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