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Release 15.3

Release 15.3

Category: Release

List of Hotfixes

  • Fixed bad alignment in the user profile info on comment boxes
  • Item requirements for other items which are part of more than 1 possibility now show only once on the Item Page (Ex: Carrot Bomb)
  • Rooms which lead to another map now shows the correct Tooltip (information on where they lead)
  • Rooms which lead to another map now redirects you to the correct map after clicking it
  • Added the Option to disable public achievement showing (forgot to add it in previous version, oops)
  • Fixed a bunch of errors which were launched silently on the server side (caused possible slowdowns)
  • Any user can now create data entries with simple text. I will eventually add some code so you'll be able to do some formatting
  • Fixed menus/submenus linking to the wrong page
  • Made some small changes to the achievement grid so it is now easier to distinguish between those that are done and those that are not
  • Increased the delay time for User Achievement auto synchronization to 30 minutes. If you need to see the synchronized grid right away, you can always use the 'Achievement Synchro' feature on your profile page
  • Increased the delay time for the fetching of the global achievement data (completion rates) to 1 hour
  • Added some fixes to the achievement synchro logic
  • Added consumables (namely the Gold Carrot) to the 'Show this on the map' list. It will now appear as an orange circle on the map (when using symbols)

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