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Release 15.4

Release 15.4

Category: Release

Now that the translations for Rabi-Ribi are done, time to get back to the website!

Here's a quick list of changes to celebrate this

  • Fixed the Folks Bold font not correctly loading
  • Fixed the javascript error thrown on every page (invalid symbol)
  • Fixed the 'Post Entry' box appearing for non registered users
  • Fixed the Minimap highlighted Room initial color
  • ADDED: New achievements for the upcoming v1.50 of the game

I will now move on to adding an additional layer of security to account creation as we're starting to have a lot of bots creating accounts.
The mighty captcha shall prevail!

Also, as an extra layer of security, an email will now be required to register. Those who didn't have one before will be required to enter one before they're able to comment / post entries.

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