Steam Global Achievement progress

Category: Game Clear
Hidden on steam: No
Cleared: NO
Achievement Description
Finish an Alternative Rule Post Game.
Other achievements in Category [ Game Clear ]
Finish a Standard Rule Post Game. Thank you so much for playing!
Cleared the post game in Normal Mode or above. A bunny, a fairy, and two girls.
Cleared the main game in Normal Mode or above. ...Is it over yet?
Cleared the main game in Hard Mode or above. There's more!
Cleared the main game in Hell Mode or above. Can you finish the rest too?
Cleared the main game in Bunny Extinction Mode. MAIN GAME CLEARED!
Finish a Standard Rule Main Game. ALTERNATIVE MAIN GAME CLEARED!
Finish an Alternative Rule Main Game. You are a super player!
Cleared the post game in Hard Mode or above. Wow! Incredible!
Cleared the post game in Hell Mode or above. No Whining Allowed
Cleared the post game in Bunny Extinction Mode. ・×・
Other achievements are disabled in this mode. Fairy Attacks!
Finish Chapter "Fairy Attacks!" in any difficulty. Finding Memories
Finish Chapter "Finding Memories" in any difficulty. Thank you...Erina.
Finish Chapter "Finding Memories" in Normal Mode or above. So that's what happened to my future self...
Finish Chapter "Finding Memories" in Hard Mode or above. I'm not the one you saw disappearing.
Finish Chapter "Finding Memories" in Hell Mode or above. But I hope I can follow you, to fullfill her dreams...
Finish Chapter "Finding Memories" in Bunny Extinction mode.