The first thing returning users will notice is that they get constantly reminded to verify their email address. Unfortunately, the previous email address we had were lost during one of the updates. you will have to re-enter them again. BUT! This time, you will have to 'verify' them. Follow the process on your profile page.
List of changes
Changed the structure behind the Comments so they could be attached to the new notification system. As a result, they've all been lost. But fear not, none of them were really important!
Started putting together the pieces for a complete remaster of the Profile page. This should come in a later update.
Added structure for the email verification process
Moved some configs in the database (like the total number of achievements...)
Added records for tracking Statistics and User activity
Reviewed some of the basic structures and improved them (website now loads 3x as fast!)
Updated some of the Achievement descriptions
Some resources can now be accessed using their name in the URL
Added the basic information for individual Status Effects (with entries and comments available)
As the News page started to get bigger: Added pagination for the News page
On the same level: The News menu on the left now filters by category
Perhaps the biggest change would be the Notification system.
You will now get Notifications based on certain events
- Achievement successfully synchronized
- System messages received
- An Entry you posted has been approved
- A new Entry or Comment on an Achievement you didn't clear (if your achievements were synchronized)
- A new Entry or Comment on a page which you already commented.
- (Delayed) Whenever a User you registered to posts a new Entry or Comment.
The notifications will appear on the top of the screen. Erina will hold them for you!
Click on Erina brings you to the Notification page where you can see them all
If you don't want to be bothered, pressing the 'Read All' button will remove any pending notification.
Notifications you haven't 'read' will be marked as *NEW*
Clicking the 'View' button will bring you to the targeted page
You can now see website statistics on the bottom left side
It will also show the current online users
The list of 'recent comments' has been shortened to only show the basic informations (now show up to 10)
Each page which can have Entry written now features a nice inviting message
A scrolling message now appears whenever the admin wants to!
Now that the translations for Rabi-Ribi are done, time to get back to the website!
Here's a quick list of changes to celebrate this
Fixed the Folks Bold font not correctly loading
Fixed the javascript error thrown on every page (invalid symbol)
Fixed the 'Post Entry' box appearing for non registered users
Fixed the Minimap highlighted Room initial color
ADDED: New achievements for the upcoming v1.50 of the game
I will now move on to adding an additional layer of security to account creation as we're starting to have a lot of bots creating accounts.
The mighty captcha shall prevail!
Also, as an extra layer of security, an email will now be required to register. Those who didn't have one before will be required to enter one before they're able to comment / post entries.
Fixed bad alignment in the user profile info on comment boxes
Item requirements for other items which are part of more than 1 possibility now show only once on the Item Page (Ex: Carrot Bomb)
Rooms which lead to another map now shows the correct Tooltip (information on where they lead)
Rooms which lead to another map now redirects you to the correct map after clicking it
Added the Option to disable public achievement showing (forgot to add it in previous version, oops)
Fixed a bunch of errors which were launched silently on the server side (caused possible slowdowns)
Any user can now create data entries with simple text. I will eventually add some code so you'll be able to do some formatting
Fixed menus/submenus linking to the wrong page
Made some small changes to the achievement grid so it is now easier to distinguish between those that are done and those that are not
Increased the delay time for User Achievement auto synchronization to 30 minutes. If you need to see the synchronized grid right away, you can always use the 'Achievement Synchro' feature on your profile page
Increased the delay time for the fetching of the global achievement data (completion rates) to 1 hour
Added some fixes to the achievement synchro logic
Added consumables (namely the Gold Carrot) to the 'Show this on the map' list. It will now appear as an orange circle on the map (when using symbols)
The news page has been created (here). You can now see everything related to the website there.
The index page now shows the full version of the pinned news.
Reorganized the side menus so it will be easier to add new stuff. Submenus were added for more specific access to ressources.
Aligned the header
Room Highlighting now possible (Makes navigation between Items, Badges, Rooms, Maps, etc easier).
Changed room tooltip for ports. Hovering over a map gateway will tell you where it leeds, and clicking it will bring you to the destination map and highlight the destination room.
Added 2 new fonts (The title of the page has one of them)
Cleared Achievements now show up using a lighter opacity and big Green X
You are able to see anyone's overall cleared achievement (grid). Just select their name from the list. Note that a specific user won't show in the list if he doesn't have any achievement cleared OR if he turns 'Show Public Achievements' off
Data entries can now be written by any users (then will need an approval from an admin)
Entries now show who made them
Updated the Item Detail page (example: Piko Hammer) so that it now links to useful information, such as:
Place where to find it.
Link to the Map page or the specific Room page (with highlighting).
Specifies if there are any other Items needed to acquire it (with links)
Specifies if this Item is needed to acquire other Items (with links to Map page or Room page, with highlight)
Added the map list above the Map detail page for easier navigation
Changed some of the profile displays (for easier access to specific profile pages)
Added the news structure
Added some configurations directly in the database
Added structure for room connections (for future release)
Users are now able to send a request to sync their achievements (if their key is valid)
Added connection info in the header (on the left of 'My Profile' button)
Comments now show a typical forum-like section for user information: name, number of comments, joined date AND the current achievement progress (only works if achievements were synced and achivements done > 0)
Added the Avatar picture to the user information
Added some explanations on how to use the Steam Sync service on the Edit Profile page
Fixed an issue where synchronizing achievements would not update the achievement grid
Changed the code behind the Steam queries. It is now all centered at the same place for easier management
Added a field to the Data Entry table to track down who added the information
Added several fields to the UserProfile table (generic informations)