Steam Global Achievement progress

Category: Extra Boss
Hidden on steam: No
Cleared: NO
Achievement Description
Let Vanilla have much more HP than Chocolate during Special Boss fight.
Other achievements in Category [ Extra Boss ]
Finished post-post game Todo "Special Boss 3". Team Chocolate
Let Chocolate have much more HP than Vanilla during Special Boss fight. A fi*nyan*cially-challenged cat.
Finished post-post game Todo "Special Boss 1". Did you just...?
Finished post-post game Todo "Special Boss 2". Saya is finally notable for now...
Defeat Special Saya. The cutest pillar
Defeat the powered up version of Special Saya. We're finally getting portraits too!
Defeat the powered up version of Pixie and Lilli. Erina the magical girl
Defeat the powered up version of Erina. Hell + Saya + Incredibly Intense!
No Description Bunny Extinction + Saya + Incredibly Intense!
No Description Hell + Lilli & Pixie + Incredibly Intense!
No Description Bunny Extinction + Lilli & Pixie + Incredibly Intense!
No Description Hell + Erina + Incredibly Intense!
No Description Bunny Extinction + Erina + Incredibly Intense!
No Description Ending with the theme
Defeat Special Irisu. The Delusional Wonderland
Defeat Lv 500+ Special Irisu. Stair to the Tundra Sky
Defeat Special Rita. Where did she gone in next adventure?
Defeat Lv 500+ Special Rita. Bunny Debugger
Defeat Special Syaro What did she found in next adventure?
Defeat Lv 500+ Special Syaro. Fixed Attack Pattern Redux
Defeat Special Miru. "She prefers to stay home"
Defeat Lv 500+ Special Miru. (without New Game+)