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Entry #120 - Purchasable Buffs

Buffs can be bought after reaching Chapter 2 and as soon as you recruit the character to your town. Some characters go missing in Chapter 6, but you can still receive their buffs through iconMiru.

iconAttack Up: iconSeana | 3750 EN, iconMiru | 25000 EN
iconDefense Up: iconRita | 2500 EN, iconMiru | 25000 EN
iconArrest: iconPandora | 1500 EN, iconMiru | 25000 EN
iconSpeedy: iconCicini | 1000 EN, iconMiru | 25000 EN
iconMaxHP Up: iconChocolate | 2000 EN, iconMiru | 25000 EN
iconMaxMP Up: iconVanilla | 2000 EN, iconMiru | 25000 EN
iconAmulet Cut: iconKotri | 2000 EN, iconMiru | 25000 EN
iconHP Regen: iconAruraune | 2000 EN, iconMiru | 25000 EN
iconMP Regen: iconLilith | 2000 EN, iconMiru | 25000 EN
iconGive ATK Down: iconNixie | 2500 EN, iconMiru | 25000 EN
iconGive DEF Down: iconNieve | 2500 EN, iconMiru | 25000 EN
iconShrink: iconAshuri | 1250 EN
iconGiant: iconSaya | 1000 EN

The total value of the buffs given by iconMiru is 23750 EN (26125 EN if you take the extended duration into consideration). iconMiru will always give you all eleven buffs regardless of whether you have the original character that sells it. iconMiru's buffs will also last 330 instead of 300 if you purchased them from the original characters.


by Aerate Last edited

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